About Kingdom Company

Sisal plant is a greenish plant in color characterized by its leaves which grow to a length of over one metre or so and yield a long, creamy -white and very strong fibre. Able to sustain quite extended periods of drought, sisal is a hardy plant that can prosper in areas of limited rainfall. But It not planted in fields, we normally use it in Kenya for ropes and carpet while some of it are exported outside country where the demands are high like in countries like Brazil, China, Cuba, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Mexico, South Africa, Tanzania and Thailand e.t.c. It’s a hedge plant that grows along fences, and is a backup source of income for when our normal crops decline due to drought. In Kenya almost you can find it everywhere.
According to a recent report by the Kenya Sisal Board, the demand of sisal fibre stood at 450,000 metric tonnes globally.However, Kenya only produced 20,000 metric tonnes while the rest of the world produced 430,000 metric tonnes.
The plant does well in most rural areas where unfortunately the community does not see its importance and opt to cut it a way since it attract most dangerous reptiles like snakes to be there hiding places and breading places where as in some areas it is of importance and it is grown in large scale in plantation.
In some region in Kenya like Miwani,No one takes sisal seriously as a source of profit and a plant that can be used to create employment to many people.This is because it’s a tedious plant to process as one need to cut the leaves into several strips,dry them and pull the dried leafs off using rudimentary machine.This is much labour intensive and one can take almost one day to remove flesh from the plant before drying process.
The fact that the materials which is the plant itself is easily available and the large population of people are jobless in this rural part of kisumu,Joshua had thought of buying Sisal Decorticator, which separates the fibers from the leaves, and pays for itself in a span of one month,
Since sisal could be of importance in term of job creation and a very crucial cash crop for survival for that mater-without it ,the rural poor have nothing to live on and as such, Joshua had to encourage the population to plant sisal since the machine could provide market for it. He led by example by himself planting sisal in an hector piece of land.
This machine has created job to six people,Two people have to grind,two have to remove the husk away from the machines after grinding,the other two have to place the finished product in a rack for drying.
Sisal Decortcator:
The decorticator is basically a cylindrical drum in a frame that strips the green husk from the sisal leaf and grinds the inner fiber into strands with blades,it can basically mean husk removal.It has a horsepower that can be powered by diesel or electricity.The machine itself now cost $1000.

How It Works?

A decorticator works by inserting a sisal leaf halfway,it crushes the leaf between the rollers, then turns the raw leaf into strands of fibre.
The fibre are sold to the local traders and some are used to make ropes which are sold in the local market.
How Can You Help Us?
- Machines Needed to develop quality product
- 1: Sisal Twin Machine:
A twin machine is composed of a 0.5-horsepower electric motor, a fly arm, bobbin, hub, friction belt and a smaller feeding motor of 1/16 horsepower.It is used to spins the sisal fibre into a this twin.Normaly the twinned fibre is used in many shops and supermarkets to tithe the goods,Also as a rope it is sold in te shops and supermarket.It now cost $600 to buy a Twin Machine.
2: Spooling Machine:The sisal rope spooling machine packs the spun twine to prepare it for sale. It can spool different quantities and includes a two-horsepower motor that spins a couple of rollers.It cost about $1500 to buy a spooling Machine.
Absolute truth is that One broad, pointed leaf plucked from the sisal plant can earn a Kenyan farmer 5 shillings, or about $0.05 USD. But the same leaf, processed, spun into twine and spooled can sell for 100 shillings, or $1.15.This profit makes it easy to pay the salary to the workers and the profit can be got out of it and with one decorticator and two twine machines, a farmer can transform 120kg of sisal into twine in eight hours. That amount could sell for $150.
When One more and two machine can be bought the company will be able to absorb additional workers who are jobless in the community.Currently the company has the double decorticator machine powered with diesel,but if electricity could be used to run the machine in the company will be talking of increasing output and more income in terms of profit.

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