

AI power based machine learning to deliver high probability occurance

Provide education support to orphans and children

Improving the welfare of orphans and other vulnerable children

Welfare Concern International commonly called WCI is a Christian child welfare non-profit charity whose primary goal is to improve the welfare of orphans and other vulnerable children such as disabled and street children WCI focuses on the provision of education support to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) through the provision of school fees, uniforms and other school requirements. We believe that education is the most powerful tool in the fight against poverty and oppression and it is through education that we are able to sustainably improve the lives of the OVC.

WCI was legally registered in 2005 with the registrar of societies of Zambia and operates in the district of Livingstone.

Livingstone district which is Zambia’s tourist capital is bordered with Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe.

Because of its proximity to these three countries, the HIV and AIDS infection rate has been fuelled by commercial sex workers and cross border traders who have become established among the residents of Livingstone district. Both local and foreign tourists who come to visit the famous Victoria Falls attract commercial sex workers who have made sex as an income generation activity to support themselves and their families.

The district, like many other border districts in Zambia, has not been spared by the HIV and AIDS pandemic. The problem continues to be a burden by the people of Livingstone as evidenced by the increase in the number of orphans and vulnerable children. As a result of this HIV and AIDS pandemic, many families continue to experience untold suffering and misery.

Livingstone district has a for a long time experienced also droughts and a result, many residents live in object poverty. Many families survive on wild fruits and mangoes during the rainy season.

Because of increased poverty levels, many single mothers and guardians cannot afford to raise money to buy shoes, uniforms, books and pay fees for these OVC.

Every year, we record 250 children, mostly girls who do not proceed to the next grade or complete their education in the four communities we operate in namely: Ngwenya, Malota, Kashitu and Nakatindi,. This has brought about child early marriages, child prostitution, unplanned pregnancies, HIV and AIDS infections, child labour, crime just to mention but a few WCI embraces transparency and accounting as one of its care values.

Education To Support  upto 100 SCHOOL GIRLS

USD 1 – ZMK8

item quantity Cost ZMK) Total cost ZMK USD
School fees Shoes Uniforms Stockings School bags Books Pens 100 100 Pairs 100 100 pairs 100 100 x 9 books each 100 x 6 pens each 450 x 3 terms 250 150 50 105 25 5 135,000 25,000 15,000 5,000 10,500 22,500 3,000 16,875 3,125 1,875 625 1,312 2,812 375
K 216 , 000 $ 27,000

Empower vulnerable women through education

Economic  Empowerment To Vulnerable Women in  Livingstone District

Welfare Concern International also focuses on tackling financial poverty and enabling economic resilience in families and communities as well as supporting enterprise and job creation. We do this by ensuring that vulnerable women and youth are provided with the skills and knowledge that help them to create for themselves a better way of life through vocational training and micro enterprise among women and youth.

We do this by providing them with training in business and entrepreneurship skills before small loans can be given out. Women and youth are also trained in project management in various skills such as pultry, horticulture or gardening, tailoring and also value addition such as making soap and cooking oil from local products.

WCI does not encourage handouts because we believe handouts are not sustainable. Since its inception, WCI has empowered more than 100 women and youth in business and enterpreneurship skills.

WCI is passionate about lifting its community memebers out of the extreme poverty by ensuring that business skills and the right tools are given to them in order to raise their incomes.

Business And Entrepreneurship skills training (100 Women And Youth )

VENUE FOLDERS PENS LUNCH TRANSPORT REFUNDS FACILITATION FEES REFRESHMENTS AND LOAN REVOLVING FUNDS FOR THE FIRST 25 1 X 5 days 100 x folders 100 100 x 5 days 100 x 5 days 2 x 5 days 100 x 5 days 25 350 15 5 25 15 500 5 1 500 1 750 1 500 500 12 500 7 500 5 000 2 500 37 500 218 187 62 1 562 937 625 312 4, 687
68, 750 8, 593

Enhance economic development in our village

About Kingdom Company

Sisal plant is a greenish plant in color characterized by its leaves which grow to a length of over one metre or so and yield a long, creamy -white and very strong fibre. Able to sustain quite extended periods of drought, sisal is a hardy plant that can prosper in areas of limited rainfall. But It not planted in fields, we normally use it in Kenya for ropes and carpet while some of it are exported outside country where the demands are high like in countries like Brazil, China, Cuba, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Mexico, South Africa, Tanzania and Thailand e.t.c. It’s a hedge plant that grows along fences, and is a backup source of income for when our normal crops decline due to drought. In Kenya almost you can find it everywhere.

According to a recent report by the Kenya Sisal Board, the demand of sisal fibre stood at 450,000 metric tonnes globally.However, Kenya only produced 20,000 metric tonnes while the rest of the world produced 430,000 metric tonnes.

The plant does well in most rural areas where unfortunately the community does not see its importance and opt to cut it a way since it attract most dangerous reptiles like snakes to be there hiding places and breading places where as in some areas it is of importance and it is grown in large scale in plantation.

In some region in Kenya like Miwani,No one takes sisal seriously as a source of profit and a plant that can be used to create employment to many people.This is because it’s a tedious plant to process as one need to cut the leaves into several strips,dry them and pull the dried leafs off using rudimentary machine.This is much labour intensive and one can take almost one day to remove flesh from the plant before drying process.

The fact that the materials which is the plant itself is easily available and the large population of people are jobless in this rural part of kisumu,Joshua had thought of buying Sisal Decorticator, which separates the fibers from the leaves, and pays for itself in a span of one month,

Since sisal could be of importance in term of job creation and a very crucial cash crop for survival for that mater-without it ,the rural poor have nothing to live on and as such, Joshua had to encourage the population to plant sisal since the machine could provide market for it. He led by example by himself planting sisal in an hector piece of land.

This machine has created job to six people,Two people have to grind,two have to remove the husk away from the machines after grinding,the other two have to place the finished product in a rack for drying.

Sisal Decortcator:

The decorticator is basically a cylindrical drum in a frame that strips the green husk from the sisal leaf and grinds the inner fiber into strands with blades,it can basically mean husk removal.It has a horsepower that can be powered by diesel or electricity.The machine itself now cost $1000.

How It Works?

A decorticator works by inserting a sisal leaf halfway,it crushes the leaf between the rollers, then turns the raw leaf into strands of fibre.

The fibre are sold to the local traders and some are used to make ropes which are sold in the local market.

How Can You Help Us?

  • Machines Needed to develop quality product
  • 1: Sisal Twin Machine:

    A twin machine is composed of a 0.5-horsepower electric motor, a fly arm, bobbin, hub, friction belt and a smaller feeding motor of 1/16 horsepower.It is used to spins the sisal fibre into a this twin.Normaly the twinned fibre is used in many shops and supermarkets to tithe the goods,Also as a rope it is sold in te shops and supermarket.It now cost $600 to buy a Twin Machine.

    2: Spooling Machine:

    The sisal rope spooling machine packs the spun twine to prepare it for sale. It can spool different quantities and includes a two-horsepower motor that spins a couple of rollers.It cost about $1500 to buy a spooling Machine.

    Absolute truth is that One broad, pointed leaf plucked from the sisal plant can earn a Kenyan farmer 5 shillings, or about $0.05 USD. But the same leaf, processed, spun into twine and spooled can sell for 100 shillings, or $1.15.This profit makes it easy to pay the salary to the workers and the profit can be got out of it and with one decorticator and two twine machines, a farmer can transform 120kg of sisal into twine in eight hours. That amount could sell for $150.

    When One more and two machine can be bought the company will be able to absorb additional workers who are jobless in the community.Currently the company has the double decorticator machine powered with diesel,but if electricity could be used to run the machine in the company will be talking of increasing output and more income in terms of profit.

Transforming Restoring Hopes Organization

About Restoring Hopes

Restoring Hopes Ministry is a registered Christian not for profit making organization located in a rural area called Miwani –Kenya, It is an area where hope seems lost to many orphans and widows.Hiv/Aids has taken control of many lives and much suffering are being felt in this rural area. HIV/AIDS scourge has robbed most of the children in the community their parents leaving the destitute or at the hands of well wishers who sometimes exploit them or at worse leaving them with aged, unemployed grandparents who can barely support them. This situation is forcing most young children to seek for casual employment like weeding, cutting sugarcane, rice farming or bodaboda (Motorcycle taxi business) to meet their needs. Most of the children end up dropping out of school at tender age as early as primary school. This epidemic has left behind more orphans, widows, widowers desperate with no hope for future. The problem has led to school dropout since they do not see the sense of furthering with their education,also access to clean water is a great problem in this area.

Our main aim is to help give back hope to the hopeless,less privileged,traumatized and needy orphans and widows through home based care . James 1:27 “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

We do home based care programs for orphans and old widows,where we take care of 30 orphans and aged widows,conducting fasting prayers,special pray meetings for the women,all night prayers,revival gospel meetings,youth retreats,house to house visit to pray for the sick and needy and Sunday school for the children.our special focus and emphasis is among hopeless orphans and needy widows.

We pray for God to open ways for these orphans to have a home where they can live us one family and feel the love of God together.We need your prayers and support over these to help us give a home to the hopeless orphans and needy children.

we also work with vulnerable members of society in a greater Muhoroni sub County to empower them in order to improve their livelihood and raise their living standards and transform their lives and improved access to safe water and sanitations facilities with OVCs and on-site sanitation and rain water harvesting schemes, treatment as viable alternative for poor households including households with Widows, Orphaned and vulnerable children which are served by local authority water and sanitation system.

Our Work

Home based care for orphans and widows:

We have to care “for if we don’t care people perish” we pay visit at their homes (home based program) to offer encouragement/spiritual food and physical food when God provide.We need your prayers and support in our work of giving back hope to the faces of the orphans and widows.It cost about 20 dollars to help an orphan get food and clothing.We welcome those that would love to partner with us and help us restore hope to the widows and orphans

We have to care “for if we don’t care people perish” we pay visit at their homes (home based program) to offer encouragement/spiritual food and physical food when God provide.We need your prayers and support in our work of giving back hope to the faces of the orphans and widows.It cost about 20 dollars to help an orphan get food and clothing.We welcome those that would love to partner with us and help us restore hope to the widows and orphans.

Orphan Sponsorship:

Many orphans lose hope in live due to lack of school fees making their life miserable and disparate,many opt to go for bodaboda (motorcycle taxi business)to meet there needs and support there young once at home.Some are left with no option than to join theft and robbery group that make there life short and desperate.We need you to help us restore there lifes back so that they can be what they wishes and love to be.It is so painful to see a doctor,a teacher,an engineer turn to be a thieve,a robbery,a rapist e.t.c.

How can you invest in Restoring Hopes

In order to keep us operationally sustaining, we are looking to raising $100  of capital that will go along way in our country.  Fund Hope will be helping us with our operational strategy and will help guide us in order for us to effective and efficient in way we execute.

How Will We Use The Funds?

The funds will be used exclusively for the the outreach projects and maintenance of the company

Support a widows business

Our Story

Kenya is one of the developing country with many needs within youths,women and men.There are approximately 3 million widows and orphans struggling to make ends meet in kenya.Their are so many needs out here that outways the resources available,and many family live for one dollar per day.

In Miwani –Kenya,almost 5 km from Kisumu county, there are approximately over 3000 widows and orphans. Some have to work so hard in farms and there small business to at least get there basic needs. Some have different talent that go to waste because of lack of support and motivation from existing structures mainly the local market that have got to enjoy the monopoly.

Beads Making & Art

Beads making are one of the activities that widows have been doing for a very long time in Miwani area. Usually they make hearing, necklessess, bungles e.t.c with different patterns using beads, threads, bones e.t.c. Products from bones usually have to go through many process using different machines and tools before it can be used to make final products. At the moment, the widows are using crock-pot to garage the bones to cool them down so they do not break easily, they also use grinders, grils and some other tools. Unfortunately the use of crock put does not produce a good high quality to sell at the market, a bead/bone properly annealed in a furnace will last for long and is of high quality. Unfortunately the local market have been of discouragement dew to less pay as compared with the time and resources involved in making the products.

How can you help?

Therefore,by funding this cause, and sharing this with your friends for prayers and support you are strongly helping the widows to make art work marketable and increasing there ability in there art work. Any kind of encouragement and ideas will be really appreciated. Also you will be able to get chain of beads by supporting some of our campaigns through Fund Hope's platform.

In addition, by funding this cause,  you will help encourage widows in their art work and move one more step  closer to make their dream a reality. By doing so they will be able to support their families and  support other widows within the community as a whole that are involved in the same activity. They will share the necessary materials with other widows interested to  increase production. The more beads they can make, the more they can sell which in-turn help create jobs for more people in their community.  More importantly you are helping widows to rise their living standards and keeping there business alive.

Please prayer and encourage  the widows as this is so important and highly welcomed.

Promote their campaign to your friends for support and prayers through facebook, twiter, linkedin e.t.c

What is Needed?

Since there is a market monopoloy which does support women, the widows would be happy to be able to marker oversees for there beads and fine arts.

An Electric furnace of 120 voltage is of need in ensuring high quality bones used to make beads and Arts value

You will be helping widows by funding the materials needed like bones,beads,threads,pliers,grinder,grills e.t.c.

What will you get in return?

Reward 1. By contributing  over $50  you get a handmade bead chain crafted by the widows.

Reward 2. By contributing  over $100 you get Reward 1 + a photograph of the widows.

Reward 3. By contributing  over $150 Reward 1 + Reward 2 + a personal thank you note.

We’re asking you to partner with us on this journey.

How Will We Use The Funds?

All funds will used to purchase the tools etc. need make the beads and art to support their families

Provide medical aid for Mama Roseline Okong’o

Continue this cause to help Akinyi's family


Akinyi's leaves behind a  two and half year old daughter and 88 year old mother. After hearing her story, the remaining money contributed to Akinyi's will given to help her mother who is need of help. Her  daughter Susan is now living in a far way village with her aunt who is able to raise and provide for her. Praise the Lord.   Below is  information about her mother. Please lift her up in prayer. Thank you

Widow Roseline kong’o is akinyi’s mother,she is now 88 years old. She lost her husband 30 years ago in a battle field between the two communities who had wrangled and conflicted over cattle wrestling . She is a mother of six and a grandmother of ten children, Akinyi was the third born in her family. Mama Roselina is a God fearing grandmother and a very strong prayer warrior and Jesus Christ in the savior of her life.

She now lives alone in the small village called Kaber after losing Akinyi(may her soul rest in peace). She need your prayers and love for God’s protection. She has no one to depend on but Jesus Christ. Please kindly pray for divine comfort and good health upon her life. She has a difficulties in breathing-suffering from asthma and also have problems with her sight-she cannot see very well and clearly.

Her 60 year old House is on a bad condition, leaking roof and weak wall, please pray for God’s provision to help build her a new house, or renovation and re-enforcement. Our weekly visit to her place(home based program) gives her hope and happiness for tomorrow.

In His grip,

Frankline Auko.

Update on Akinyi - She's gone home to be with the Lord

Thanks you all so much for your financial support and prayers for Akinyi and her family.God Intervene last night at around 11 a.m. Akinyi is now feeling no pain and she suffers no more,rejoicing with the Lord God.May her soul R.I.P.

Give Hope to Akinyi

Update:  $500 is what is needed at this time. Will will be sharing you an update shortly. 

God led me to a woman by the name Akinyi in a small village called kabar , who hasn't yet been married because of her condition which resulted from epilepsy. The story of this woman is so touching but she has accepted her condition and opted to live with her parents at home for no man would like to marry her in her state. Marriage is an important aspect in rural women’s lives, but for Akinyi, she has given up being married.

The sad story of Akinyi starts from one fine evening when she was alone in the homestead cooking for a meal to eat since there was no one to help her in cooking. Unfortunately, her epileptic condition caught up with her in the middle and she fell on fire, she screamed so loud for help for rescue from neighbors and fortunately, some passersby heard her screams. She was however rescued but had her right eye burn so badly that she experienced a lot of pain. Her Dad, who is jobless, took her to a local hospital for treatment but she could not get better treatment and she was referred to a district hospital in Kisumu town. She was checked by a doctor and the only solution was surgery, so that the right eyes to be removed.

Her Dad could not afford 1800 dollars that was required for her operation, hope was gone and they had to come back home with some pain killers to relieve her from the pain that she was undergoing. According to her she still feels pain on her burnt eyes at night, and cannot have a comfortable sleep.

This is how Akinyi condition came to be, but thanks to God for keeping her life. Currently she is fully dependant on her jobless father and at particular days, they have to go without food. Akinyi need a great support in prayers for the provision of daily meals and clothing. Akinyi has herself lost hope in marriage since no man can accept her in her condition.

We are obliged at Restoring Hopes to care for Akinyi and give her hope and recognition in the society. We therefore need support to help less fortunate persons in the community just like Akinyi.  Help us give care for Akinyi and restore back her lost hope. We also pray so that God to provide her with finance requires for her eye surgery.

​Thank you for your support and prayers.

​In Christ,

Frankline Auko

How Will We Use The Funds?

All funds will be used to suport Akinyi. We will send you regular updates on her progress so you can see and  know the impact the of your giving. 

Here’s a breakdown of how we’ll spend the $2100:

  • Eyes Surgery/Operation: $1800
  • Medicine & basic needs: $300

Jack needs your love and help

Jack's Story

This is  a needy orphan called Jack. His mother died 5 years down the line due to HIV/AIDs. He now lives with his grand mother. Jack was born with a disability. Hi joints are weak and can not stand by his own. Also you can see there is a problem with his eye sight,he can not see properly. He therefore has to get support from someone to make him sit and sleep. He does not get basic needs due to the condition of his aging grandmother which is worsening day by day. We have been of help to bring hope to Jack but we still need more help and sponsorship for jack’s basic needs and to go for a special school for people with disability.Kindly help us give back hope to Jack and more orphans with similar problem. This will put a smile on his face and the face of his aging grand mother.

How Will We Use The Funds?

All funds will directly go to help Jack.

Here’s a breakdown of how we’ll spend  $750:

  • Medical Help, food and clothes - $450
  • School for children with disabilities: $350

Helping Widows & Orphans in Kenya

Outreach Program To Help Widows and Orphans

At Restoring Hopes ministry, we are obliged to give hope and care for the hopeless ,traumatized , less privileged and needy orphans and widows,it is our aim to give hope…we have to care ,for if we don’t people perish. We accomplish this mission through home based care program where we pay visits and give basic needs to orphans and old aged widows around Miwani area. These orphans stay with there related relatives from where we take care of them. We feel giving them hope from there relatives is also good for there social well being (feeling the love of the family member),they do not feel isolated from there family members, but our long term project is to have an orphanage where they  can come together and live as a family under one roof. Kindly help us in praying for God’s provision.

Why We Need Your Help

Many of these orphans do not have good clothes to put on there body,they have instead turn out clothes,some lack shoes. Worse of all they can have one meal a day, which normally is porridge.They use turn out mate for there beddings.All those suffering brings sad and hopeless in there lives.  Also Outreach mission has been an area of focus, and from being involved in the many of such missions, I have encountered touching stories and real experience on how less fortunate orphans and widows do struggle to make ends meet.

How Will We Use The Funds?

All funds will go to to Widows and Orphans outreach program. I will send you updates on the progress being made and the impact your donations are having on the people in need.  Please pray for these people and look forward to partner with you on this journey in His Name.


Frankline Auko

Baby Odong’o – An orphan who needs necesities

Baby Odong'o Needs Your Help

This is Baby Adong’o. He lives with his grandmother who is old  in a small village called Alungo in Kenya that we take care of.  He had a twin sister who passed away one month ago.  Presently, Odong'o is malnourished due to having only one common meal per day.  He also require medical attention and a bed to sleep in. I ask to you to prayfully consider helping this baby. I also thank you in advance for your prayers that is so needed as well. All donations will go directly to the care of Adongo. We will send you updates and pictures of the progress being made so you know how we are caring for him that bring Glory to our Lord.

Save Lives – Clean Water for the a village

Clean Water Treatment Project

There are many reason’s that contributes to poverty in Africa like political instability, ethnic conflict, climate change, diseases etc. But one of the greatest causes of poverty in Africa is also the most overlooked...the lack of access to clean drinking water. Without clean water, the possibility of breaking out of the cycle of poverty is incredibly slim and almost impossible.

With unclean water sources often miles from villages, many of the able bodied members of a community are forced to spend hours each day simply finding and transporting water. The typical container used for water collection in Africa, the jerry can, weighs over 40 pounds when it's completely full.

In Miwani area there are almost 400+ wells in,these wells are almost 5 to 10 years old and of very bad condition.since then non of them receive treatment which have resulted to water related diseases such as cholera,typhoid e.t.c .Since restoringhopes ministry started the water treatment ministry in Ombeyi location,there have been a tremendous positive change in the community. The organization has offered to treats the wells by pour­ing a measured amount of chlorine and Wa­terGaurd into it. Thus, Restoring Hopes is now able to treat about 20 wells a day and a total of 300 wells three times a month using ten dozen of chlorine/water guard.

It cost approximately US $ 250 to treat 300 wells three times a month; this includes other cost like transportation cost and materials. There has been financial challenge in this mission but we have to work beyond our means for if we do not continue with this project, then there will be more disasters.The benefits that the community gets and the education on the use of clean water out of this ministry means a lot to them as compared with the amount involved.

Please Help

Please consider sponsoring this project(clean water project) and continue prayers for restoringhopes Ministry.Clean water is very much essential to the human life and this project greatly improves the lifes of many thousands lifes.Giving hope is our middle name

How Will We Use The Funds?

All proceeds will go to the clean water project

1.  $500  per quarter will be used to treat 300 wells so that our village can have clean water.

Fund Hope Inc.

Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

Fund Hope is a revolutionary Social Business Impact system that brings business and people together to impact a life in need.

Our Story

There are many people today who are serving or have a desire to help towards a particular need or cause and are finding it difficult to move forward in their effort due to a lack of resources. These fundraising needs can cover a variety of life situations: from raising money for a family member or friend who may need help with medical expenses, helping the homeless or recent widows, providing school supplies for low income families, helping a struggling business to helping orphans in Portland, Oregon and different parts of the world. Usually, financial support is needed most but prayer and encouragement are also an invaluable part in any ministry or cause and this platform will give them an opportunity to receive financial help along with people partnering in prayer.

We would like you to see what God is doing through them and how you can be part of that. Many people don't only want to see what the big organizations are doing but rather the ordinary person.

Let's exhort and support them! This platform will be a place where fundraisers can share their stories and needs, find support, and encourage others. Fund Hope is a platform where you and others can donate to fundraisers with transparency in real time through videos, blogs, articles and analytics dashboards

Who We Are

We are not a Crowdfunding platform.

We are a unique Social Business Impact platform that helps ordinary people who do extraordinary things to glorify the Lord’s name. We provide the donor the opportunity to partner with those who share their heart for a cause: through prayer and encouragement or the gift of giving. We desire to keep the focus on serving others and to partner with those who share our vision. We provide real-time financial transparency that enables everyone to see the impact of their giving.

Who We Are

Our Mission

Our Mission

Fund Hope is a place where people can connect with others to give hope and a future by impacting a life in need.

Our Vision

To build a platform  that impacts a life  in need

Our Vision

Why Fund Hope?

  • To serve others
  • Relationship based rather than transactional
  • Quality-driven not volume-driven
  • A interactive and collaborative platform between the donors and fundraisers
  • Total financial transparency with our fundraisers as well as with Fund Hope in real-time through our visual analytics dashboards
  • Fund Hope brings donors right into the fundraiser's world. You are able to partner with them and visualize the impact of your donations through videos, interactive story-telling, articles and blogs
  • Fund Hope will be the first in the market to have a predictive Crowdfunding analytics software built-into our website to help fundraisers make insightful actionable decisions

How Will We Use The Funds?

Fund Hope is collaborative, community driven, memorable, transparent, compelling and engaging. But in order to maintain the platform that is flexible, scalable and nimble, we will need to hire experienced professionals, including developers, designers, photographers  and other people  in specific multi-disciplinary professions. 

Your support will enable us to successfully enhance Fund Hope by December of 2022 and continue to support our stewards.

With your backing, we will have the resources we need to rapidly become a self-sustaining project while enabling us to expand beyond current facets providing more opportunities to help people.

We plan on raising $5000 every quarter which will distributed based on the % numbers below. Here’s a breakdown of how we’ll spend the total $25,000: 

  • WePay (which takes 2.9% + 39c per transaction): $1000
  • Editorial: $4,000
  • Design & Development: $10,000
  • Promotion: $5,000
  • Acumentica: To run AI donor assistant for non-profits: $5,000

Our Team

Ryan D'Souza

Strategy & Growth

Fioktista Postnikov

Advisory Council

Rudy Williams

Advisory Council

Royston Dmello

Creative Designer

Emilio Canas

Steward Development

Jimmy Robinson

Communications & Photography

Kathy Stevens

Web Developer

Don Cruz

Advisory Council

Risk & Challenges

None Present