Empower vulnerable women through education

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Economic  Empowerment To Vulnerable Women in  Livingstone District

Welfare Concern International also focuses on tackling financial poverty and enabling economic resilience in families and communities as well as supporting enterprise and job creation. We do this by ensuring that vulnerable women and youth are provided with the skills and knowledge that help them to create for themselves a better way of life through vocational training and micro enterprise among women and youth.

We do this by providing them with training in business and entrepreneurship skills before small loans can be given out. Women and youth are also trained in project management in various skills such as pultry, horticulture or gardening, tailoring and also value addition such as making soap and cooking oil from local products.

WCI does not encourage handouts because we believe handouts are not sustainable. Since its inception, WCI has empowered more than 100 women and youth in business and enterpreneurship skills.

WCI is passionate about lifting its community memebers out of the extreme poverty by ensuring that business skills and the right tools are given to them in order to raise their incomes.

Business And Entrepreneurship skills training (100 Women And Youth )

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