Support a widows business

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Our Story

Kenya is one of the developing country with many needs within youths,women and men.There are approximately 3 million widows and orphans struggling to make ends meet in kenya.Their are so many needs out here that outways the resources available,and many family live for one dollar per day.

In Miwani –Kenya,almost 5 km from Kisumu county, there are approximately over 3000 widows and orphans. Some have to work so hard in farms and there small business to at least get there basic needs. Some have different talent that go to waste because of lack of support and motivation from existing structures mainly the local market that have got to enjoy the monopoly.

Beads Making & Art

Beads making are one of the activities that widows have been doing for a very long time in Miwani area. Usually they make hearing, necklessess, bungles e.t.c with different patterns using beads, threads, bones e.t.c. Products from bones usually have to go through many process using different machines and tools before it can be used to make final products. At the moment, the widows are using crock-pot to garage the bones to cool them down so they do not break easily, they also use grinders, grils and some other tools. Unfortunately the use of crock put does not produce a good high quality to sell at the market, a bead/bone properly annealed in a furnace will last for long and is of high quality. Unfortunately the local market have been of discouragement dew to less pay as compared with the time and resources involved in making the products.

How can you help?

Therefore,by funding this cause, and sharing this with your friends for prayers and support you are strongly helping the widows to make art work marketable and increasing there ability in there art work. Any kind of encouragement and ideas will be really appreciated. Also you will be able to get chain of beads by supporting some of our campaigns through Fund Hope's platform.

In addition, by funding this cause,  you will help encourage widows in their art work and move one more step  closer to make their dream a reality. By doing so they will be able to support their families and  support other widows within the community as a whole that are involved in the same activity. They will share the necessary materials with other widows interested to  increase production. The more beads they can make, the more they can sell which in-turn help create jobs for more people in their community.  More importantly you are helping widows to rise their living standards and keeping there business alive.

Please prayer and encourage  the widows as this is so important and highly welcomed.

Promote their campaign to your friends for support and prayers through facebook, twiter, linkedin e.t.c

What is Needed?

Since there is a market monopoloy which does support women, the widows would be happy to be able to marker oversees for there beads and fine arts.

An Electric furnace of 120 voltage is of need in ensuring high quality bones used to make beads and Arts value

You will be helping widows by funding the materials needed like bones,beads,threads,pliers,grinder,grills e.t.c.

What will you get in return?

Reward 1. By contributing  over $50  you get a handmade bead chain crafted by the widows.

Reward 2. By contributing  over $100 you get Reward 1 + a photograph of the widows.

Reward 3. By contributing  over $150 Reward 1 + Reward 2 + a personal thank you note.

We’re asking you to partner with us on this journey.

How Will We Use The Funds?

All funds will used to purchase the tools etc. need make the beads and art to support their families