Save Lives – Clean Water for the a village

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Clean Water Treatment Project

There are many reason’s that contributes to poverty in Africa like political instability, ethnic conflict, climate change, diseases etc. But one of the greatest causes of poverty in Africa is also the most overlooked...the lack of access to clean drinking water. Without clean water, the possibility of breaking out of the cycle of poverty is incredibly slim and almost impossible.

With unclean water sources often miles from villages, many of the able bodied members of a community are forced to spend hours each day simply finding and transporting water. The typical container used for water collection in Africa, the jerry can, weighs over 40 pounds when it's completely full.

In Miwani area there are almost 400+ wells in,these wells are almost 5 to 10 years old and of very bad condition.since then non of them receive treatment which have resulted to water related diseases such as cholera,typhoid e.t.c .Since restoringhopes ministry started the water treatment ministry in Ombeyi location,there have been a tremendous positive change in the community. The organization has offered to treats the wells by pour­ing a measured amount of chlorine and Wa­terGaurd into it. Thus, Restoring Hopes is now able to treat about 20 wells a day and a total of 300 wells three times a month using ten dozen of chlorine/water guard.

It cost approximately US $ 250 to treat 300 wells three times a month; this includes other cost like transportation cost and materials. There has been financial challenge in this mission but we have to work beyond our means for if we do not continue with this project, then there will be more disasters.The benefits that the community gets and the education on the use of clean water out of this ministry means a lot to them as compared with the amount involved.

Please Help

Please consider sponsoring this project(clean water project) and continue prayers for restoringhopes Ministry.Clean water is very much essential to the human life and this project greatly improves the lifes of many thousands lifes.Giving hope is our middle name

How Will We Use The Funds?

All proceeds will go to the clean water project

1.  $500  per quarter will be used to treat 300 wells so that our village can have clean water.