Provide education support to orphans and children
Improving the welfare of orphans and other vulnerable children

Welfare Concern International commonly called WCI is a Christian child welfare non-profit charity whose primary goal is to improve the welfare of orphans and other vulnerable children such as disabled and street children WCI focuses on the provision of education support to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) through the provision of school fees, uniforms and other school requirements. We believe that education is the most powerful tool in the fight against poverty and oppression and it is through education that we are able to sustainably improve the lives of the OVC.
WCI was legally registered in 2005 with the registrar of societies of Zambia and operates in the district of Livingstone.
Livingstone district which is Zambia’s tourist capital is bordered with Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe.
Because of its proximity to these three countries, the HIV and AIDS infection rate has been fuelled by commercial sex workers and cross border traders who have become established among the residents of Livingstone district. Both local and foreign tourists who come to visit the famous Victoria Falls attract commercial sex workers who have made sex as an income generation activity to support themselves and their families.
The district, like many other border districts in Zambia, has not been spared by the HIV and AIDS pandemic. The problem continues to be a burden by the people of Livingstone as evidenced by the increase in the number of orphans and vulnerable children. As a result of this HIV and AIDS pandemic, many families continue to experience untold suffering and misery.
Livingstone district has a for a long time experienced also droughts and a result, many residents live in object poverty. Many families survive on wild fruits and mangoes during the rainy season.
Because of increased poverty levels, many single mothers and guardians cannot afford to raise money to buy shoes, uniforms, books and pay fees for these OVC.
Every year, we record 250 children, mostly girls who do not proceed to the next grade or complete their education in the four communities we operate in namely: Ngwenya, Malota, Kashitu and Nakatindi,. This has brought about child early marriages, child prostitution, unplanned pregnancies, HIV and AIDS infections, child labour, crime just to mention but a few WCI embraces transparency and accounting as one of its care values.
Education To Support upto 100 SCHOOL GIRLS
USD 1 – ZMK8
item | quantity | Cost ZMK) | Total cost ZMK | USD |
School fees Shoes Uniforms Stockings School bags Books Pens | 100 100 Pairs 100 100 pairs 100 100 x 9 books each 100 x 6 pens each | 450 x 3 terms 250 150 50 105 25 5 | 135,000 25,000 15,000 5,000 10,500 22,500 3,000 | 16,875 3,125 1,875 625 1,312 2,812 375 |
K 216 , 000 | $ 27,000 |
Keep up the great work Moses.:-)